My little Benjamin and I,
(who’s getting less little by the day, actually)
love spending quality time together.
I’m fascinated by his world:
Did you know that the best armor is forged from dragon scales? (and that the dragon always has a few gold coins on him – weird, isn’t it?)
I just want to reassure you that this dragon is actually a dragon in a game – it’s not one of his teachers… (But you never know, perhaps I’ll come across one some day…)
Beneath the stars
We also like having cartoon-drawing evenings – just the two of us –
it’s so awesome to huddle up on the sofa with a world-exclusive home-made shake and plenty of snacks (the unhealthier the better!)
We go off on daydreams with Japanese-style drawings, with others,
we bust a gut laughing or lose ourselves in our thoughts.
We often recall the best of these good times when we’re lying on our backs, staring at the imaginary stars on the ceiling! It’s like we’ve been through all sorts of adventures together.
I love my son,
And I feel so lucky to be able to spend this time with him.
Every time I see him, it makes me so happy,
in fact, I’m his number 1 fan … God is a little like that with you…
My first “Oscar”
I showed my little family the animated story that I’d drawn.
(Ok, it was mostly the Moondog-animation studio that did it, but hey…)
I saw something in my child’s eyes
that shone brighter than any medal that the grown-ups of this world can make:
he was proud of me…
Seeing what he thought of the animation was a far more powerful image than even the highest definition picture on the big screen.
In my father’s Heart the jackpot signs lit up!
That’s what God (our Father in Heaven)
must feel when we’re proud of Him.
Your Father likes being with you…
To see some of my animated stories, go to:
Moondog is trying to sell them to TV
Think about having a word about this with your Father for us, next time you’re enjoying a good talk with him
These new animated films will be introduced to the public for the first time through a press release and advertising in April 2013 in the USA, where it will be presented at the Charleston International Film Festival (South Carolina). It has already been named as an Official selection film:
See dates of showings:
Don’t miss
The new poster:
(if you buy in bulk, we’re virtually giving it away!)